There are several things that must be considered when investing in the property sector in Sengkang EC
The growth of the apartment or condominium market in a number of capital cities in the past five years has continued to show a significant increase especially in The Ola EC
It is not surprising if a number of investors are interested in investing their funds in this sector.
For those who are interested in joining as investors in the property sector especially the condominium segment, there are a number of things that need to be considered so that the investment does not cause losses, you can consult with Anchorvale Crescent EC
According to Ronald Frank, condominium investment opportunities, both for the short term (three to six months) and the long term (four to five years) have a very large return on investment (ROI) value.
“Of course, there must also be a risk factor in investing in the condominium sector. Consumers can be disadvantaged if the apartment they buy is not built,” said Ronald Frank in the Media Discussion “Prospects and Investment Condominium”, in Jakarta, today.
Ronald Frank further stated, so far in terms of investments whose names are property, especially the condominium segment, the risk is very small. moreover, the price has never fallen and continues to rise. Especially now the number of needs is also increasingly large following the development of the lifestyle of its consumers.
“In terms of profits, condominium investment is currently very profitable, among others due to the price that always rises from year to year, can be rented with good value and the market is still very large due to the influence of lifestyle (lifestyle) of Singaporean society,” he added.
In closing, Ronald Frank also gave some Tips and Tricks for people who want to invest in the condominium sector:
1. Choose a location that is quite premium.
2. Don’t buy condominium units with too many units. It would be better to buy in units of less than 500 so that the level of competition is less if you want to be resold or leased.
3. Buy at the Pres Sale or at the Earlybird price in order to get a lower price range and get a greater profit potential (up to 80 percent of the initial price) within one to two years when the project is done.